FCSSC is organizing an online workshop series titled “Resume SDG-aligned South-South Investment Beyond COVID-19,” in partnership with the UNOSSC and the China International Center on Economic and Technical Exchange (CICETE). The main objective of the workshop is to enhance South-South cooperation in SDG-aligned, responsible investment for a greener, more sustainable and inclusive recovery from the pandemic.
The first session is available online on 30 April 2021. The head of FCSSC delivered an opening remark. Dr. Meixiang Zhou, Deputy Director General of FCSSC, discussed the social domain in ESG investing with Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Experts and policymakers from different sectors and regions of the world, including the World Bank, the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), BCAR International, the African Development Bank (AfDB) also participated and discussed the advantages of responsible investment and introduce global insights, tools, and institutions required to promote ESG management to contribute to SDG-aligned investment and South-South Cooperation opportunities for developing countries.